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By on April 29, 2019

Prevention in Faith-Based Institutions: Shared Values

On this podcast, PreventConnect is joined by Adrienne Spires from the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA), Peter Cellum of Eagle Lake Community Church and Kristen Runyan of Community Church in Susanville, California to discuss the pilot program of CALCASA’s faith-based collaborative to address gender-based violence through prevention and intervention. This program is an adaptation of the Samaritan Safe Church program. Linda Crockett of Samaritan Safe Church recently shared her work on the PreventConnect web conference Changing the Culture of Schools, Churches, and Communities to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse: Lessons Learned from the Just Beginnings Collaborative.

Adrienne, Peter, and Kristen talk about the values the anti-sexual violence movement and faith-based institutions share, such as the importance of health and healing. On the next part of this podcast, Adrienne, Peter, and Kristen discuss ways prevention practitioners can engage churches in community culture change for violence prevention.